Known for innovation, practical experience, operational excellence and safety, Global Maritime’s services span the entire offshore project lifecycle from engineering & design, construction and third party verification through to marine warranty surveying (MWS), Dynamic Positioning (DP), installation, risk management and decommissioning.
With over 30 years global experience, Global Maritime offers extensive marine experience on all seas.
With offices in Norway, Canada, USA, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Germany, UK, Poland, Scotland, Azerbaijan, Qatar, Egypt and the U.A.E, we are where you are!
Global Maritime is a global industry leader in the marine assurance of dynamically positioned vessels and the digitalization of these services.
We collaborate with our clients e.g ship and rig owners, offshore operators, shipyards, the renewable energy industry and marine insurance companies to name a few, to reduce costs by managing risk and minimizing the probability of incidents, downtime, and off-hire.
A vessel, ship or offshore mobile unit at sea is subjected to forces from wind, waves and currents, in addition forces generated by the propulsion system. The vessel's response to these forces, i.e. its changes in position, heading and speed, is measured by the position-reference systems, the gyrocompass and the vertical reference sensors.
Dynamic Positioning (DP) automatically maintain the vessel's position and heading by using the vessel , ship or mobile offshore unit's own propellers and thrusters.
Dynamic positioning (DP) is a computer-controlled system to automatically maintain a vessel's position and heading.
This data, combined with sensor information, allows the system to calculate the required steering angle and thruster output for each thruster.
Dynamic Positioning Systems require specially trained and skilled personnel. The person who mans the entire system and ensures flawless functioning of a DP vessel is known as a DP Operator (DPO).
Global Maritime has experienced personell offering a comprehensive range of DP services to the full specter of marine operations and industries as marine construction, maritime energy-production, floating production industries, floating production storage and offloading units (FPSO´s), tankers, drill ships and offshore rigs.
Global Maritime offers Dynamic Positioning systems audits of varying levels and scope.
As part of our Dynamic Positioning Services in China, we provide a full range of Dynamic Positioning (DP) audits so your vessel, ship or mobile offshore unit runs economically and safe.
Global Maritime has developed a digitalized assessment program for Competence Assessment of DP Operations as operational excellency and safety is of the utmost importance to our company and our clients. DP1, DP2 and DP3 vessels is part of DP Services.
Global Maritime and Unisea have developed a DP Module which provides one cost effective solution for all Dynamic Positioning (DP) Assurance needs.
All DP documentation and verification activities will be handled in this DP Module, ensuring a streamlined collaboration between vessel, shipowner and Global Maritime.
The implementation of the DP Module will reduce overall cost for owners of their DP assurance by minimizing administration costs, improving planning and communications with all stakeholders, which will reduce time onboard for the trials.
The DP Module will ultimately improve the verification of DP test results, minimize risk through improved lessons learned and significantly improve both control and overview of all related documentation and activities involving Dynamic Positioning (DP) Assurance needs.
For any enquiry on Dynamic Positioning Services, please contact our Global Maritime China office.
Address: Room 1003, Pine City Building, No. 8 Dong An Road, Xuhui, Shanghai 200032,
P.R. China
Global Maritime has more than 30 years of experience in Marine Warranty Surveying (MWS)
Marine Engineering & Consultancy is an international team of engineers, naval architects, and master mariners.
Global Maritime develops specialist software and systems for the marine and offshore industries.